Round rams are available on manual, direct acting, and small pneumatic toggle presses. All are non-rotational.
Rack & Pinion is guided via stroke limit block & guide pin, while the toggle press ram is guided by its linkage. Some rotational play is possible. If necessary, when the stroke limit block is loosened on press model 20 – 29, the ram can be rotated and aligned before locking it in place with the stroke limit block.
Square Rams Manual Toggle Press with ‘V’ in designation, Pneumatic Toggle 34 & 36, Presses with Monitoring and Hydro Pneumatic presses have a gib-guided ram that is adjustable. Adjustment via set screws if necessary, front & one side.
A pre-loaded ram can guide tooling very accurately in cases when high precision is required, even for some punching applications.
The Servo press has a square ram that is roller guided, non-adjustable. A very small amount of play is inherent to this guide type, but the ram still is guided very accurately.